January 5, 2022

Tackling Our Childcare Desert
A new childcare task force has been formed by the United Way of the Greater Chippewa Valley to work on assessing the needs, challenges and solutions to childcare issues in the Chippewa Valley.
Representatives from Western Dairyland, Eau Claire and Chippewa Chamber of Commerce, UWEC, CVTC and others were invited to the table to discuss and determine:
- Childcare issues for our region
- Solutions available to us now
- Marketing the solutions to the public
- If no solution is available to current issues, how to tackle those?
This critical conversation will continue into 2022 as the task force aims to share and determine solutions to tackle the workforce and childcare shortage in the Chippewa Valley.
To learn more please contact: Andy Neborak at director@uwgcv.org.