February 3, 2022
District 9 Eau Claire County Board candidates
There will be many candidates on the ballot in Spring 2022, many of them will be for the Eau Claire County Board. Three candidates have filed to run for District 9 of the county board and a primary will be held on February 15th to narrow it down to two. The County Board has 29 members, with each member representing around 3,645 people. Each member represents one of the 29 districts and serves a two year term.

As a civic organization representing the business community, the Eau Claire Area Chamber of Commerce works to provide information on candidates for local office to help voters make wise choices. We have reached out to each of the candidates for District 9 of the county board to learn more about why they are running and what makes them qualified.
1.) Do you have a website or social media for more information?
Thomas Mastin: Mastin4CtyBoard
Donald Mowry: Don Mowry Eau Claire County Board Supervisor District 9 (Facebook)
Allen Myren: No current website or social media
2.) What is your current position and background?
Thomas Mastin: I have lived in Eau Claire for the past 11 years. I’ve been married for 19 years and have two children attending Memorial High School. I am a UWEC Alum and was in the first Entrepreneurship program in 1994. I own several small businesses that I run out of an office in Altoona.
Donald Mowry: I have been a resident of Eau Claire County since 1988, when I accepted a teaching position at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. During my career I was engaged in the community including serving three terms on the board of the Eau Claire Area Hmong Mutual Assistance Association, one term on the board of the Boys and Girls Club, and ten years as the director of the Center for Service-Learning at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. I am also a Past President and board member of Clear Vision Eau Claire. I am currently in my second term as Supervisor representing District 9.
Allen Myren: I am a retired Deputy Sheriff from Eau Claire County as of December 2014. I served for 30 years and worked as a Jailer, Process, Court Security, Patrol Officer and Detective. 10 years as a Detective. I have maintained my certification as a Law Enforcement Officer and currently work part-time as a Tribal Police Officer. Part of my duties are teaching Police Officers in Firearms, Pursuits, and other law enforcement subjects to keep them certified.
3.) Why are you running for office?
Thomas Mastin: I am running because I want to see less spending and more accountability. Most residents are not aware that our board has increased the annual budget by more than $47 million over the last three years. That is ridiculous, where has the money gone? How are they intending to pay for this? Right now, the board is not being challenged to answer for this and they should.
Donald Mowry: I want to be a candidate now because I feel knowledgeable about the issues and challenges facing the county and because I now have the time and interest to devote to be an engaged citizen and county supervisor for district nine. I also want to continue my work as Chair of the Eau Claire County Broadband Committee and our vision of extending high-speed internet to all residents of the county. We need a county that works for everyone, including equitable access to high quality public education, clean water, good roads, jobs that pay a living wage, and high-speed internet.
Allen Myren: It has become apparent I am not alone in my concerns regarding the financial mismanagement that has plagued our county departments over the last several years. I want to have a voice in pursuing better accountability, transparency, and fiscal responsibility for the residents of Eau Claire County. Tax payers have a right to know where their hard-earned money is spent. It is unacceptable for members of the county board to hamper auditing of and investigation by the Sheriff of the Department of Human Services. A million dollars missing is more than an accounting error. How is it acceptable for them to be 3.2 million over budget? The expenditures must be audited and justified, not just for the sake of the current tax payers, but for the future stability of our county.
The primary for this race will be held on February 15th and the general election will be on April 5th. Go to myvote.wi for more information on how to register to vote and where to vote. Be on the lookout for more voter education information from the Eau Claire Chamber. The Chamber does not endorse candidates, but in key races provides candidate questionnaires and other resources to learn their positions on important business and community issues.
Posted by Danya Morman, Governmental Affairs Intern