District 18 Eau Claire County Board candidates
There will be many candidates on the ballot in Spring 2022, many of them will be for the Eau Claire County Board. Three candidates have filed to run for District 18 of the county board and a primary will be held on February 15th to narrow it down to two. The County Board has 29 members, with each member representing around 3,645 people. Each member represents one of the 29 districts and serves a two year term.
As a civic organization representing the business community, the Eau Claire Area Chamber of Commerce works to provide information on candidates for local office to help voters make wise choices. We have reached out to each of the candidates for District 18 of the county board to learn more about why they are running and what makes them qualified. Unfortunately, we received no response from candidate Robert Amelse.
1.) Do you have a website or social media for more information?
Robert Amelse: No response
James Dunning: Dunning4CoBd (Facebook)
Mathew Lehner: lehnerforwi.com
2.) What is your current position and background?
Robert Amelse: No response
James Dunning: My work career was as a manufacturing engineer, hardware store owner, environmental engineer (Ho-Chunk Nation), master’s degree in environmental public health, and adjunct faculty teaching a master’s level planning course at UWEC. After 16 years on the County Board, I have been involved with most of the County’s programs at some point. I have served on the Parks and Forest Committee and am currently on the Finance and Budget Committee, Planning and Development Committee, Groundwater Committee (chair), Metropolitan Planning Organization (Vice-Chair), and Wisconsin PACE program. I am also chairperson of the Highway Building Committee and was Chairperson of the Jail Construction Committee.
Mathew Lehner: I currently serve as President Towers Hall, and have had a nearly 8 year long background in leadership and activism. I served as Student Council President, and served 2 terms as Class President. I have also served as the Senior Patrol Leader of my boy scout troop, Parish Council Youth representative, and founded an anti-bullying organization at my Elementary School.
3.) Why are you running for office?
Robert Amelse: No response
James Dunning: After 16 years of service, I have a knowledge that can be beneficial to the employees and residents of Eau Claire County. My Budget Committee and Planning and Development Committee experiences have provided a background to solving County issues. My environmental engineering background provides a level of expertise to protect our groundwater and to incorporate the sustainability program that the County has committed to. This background also helps me to evaluate zoning and construction issues. It also helps me as chairperson of the building committee that is providing a next generation highway shop. There is a need for my experience.
Mathew Lehner: I am running for Eau Claire County Board, because it’s time for new leadership that is more active, transparent, inclusive, and leadership that delivers real results. It’s time we have leaders who are unafraid to speak out about the issues facing the people that they serve to the people causing those issues. I believe that if we keep electing the same politicians with the same pitch time and time again, and cycle after cycle, we will keep getting the same result. If elected, I can break this norm and deliver real results, just as my 8 year leadership record demonstrates.
The primary for this race will be held on February 15th and the general election will be on April 5th. Go to myvote.wi for more information on how to register to vote and where to vote. Be on the lookout for more voter education information from the Eau Claire Chamber. The Chamber does not endorse candidates, but in key races provides candidate questionnaires and other resources to learn their positions on important business and community issues.
Posted by Danya Morman, Governmental Affairs Intern