Assembly District 67 Candidates
When: Tuesday, November 8th, 2022; polls open 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Find your voting location at myvote.wi. All absentee ballots must be requested by November 3rd and turned in no later than 8:00 p.m. on November 8th either by mail or dropped off in-person. In-Person absentee voting will start Tuesday, October 25th and end Friday, November 4th, please check with your local municipality for location and hours. If you plan to vote by mail, voters are strongly encouraged to mail their ballots as soon as possible to ensure their ballot is received by the deadline.
What it’s about: The Wisconsin State Assembly is made up of 99 representatives, each of which are up for election every two years and are elected for two year terms. The candidates for District 67 Assembly are:
• Rob Summerfield, Incumbent (R-Bloomer) Website
• Jason Bennett (D-Chippewa Falls) Website
Who can vote: The election is open to residents of the 67th Assembly District. Click on the image to pull up a more detailed and interactive map.

Where you vote and who is on your ballot:
• Go to
• Enter your voting address to learn which races are on your ballot and where you vote.
Learn More About the Candidates: The Eau Claire Area Chamber of Commerce has put together both video interviews as well as candidate questionnaires. The Good Government Council (GGC) is a committee of the Eau Claire Area Chamber of Commerce dedicated to encouraging voter participation and providing members of the business community with non-biased information about candidates’ positions on important issues. Although the Chamber is active in policy issues, it is non-partisan and does not endorse political candidates.
We did not receive a response from Jason Bennett to our Candidate Questionnaire or invitation to conduct a video interview.
Chamber Video Interviews

Click to watch
• Jason Bennett: No response
Chamber Candidate Questionnaire
1.) Why are you running for this office, and what are the top three priorities you will emphasize if elected to the next session of the legislature?
Rob Summerfield: Serving the 67th Assembly these last three terms has been one of my greatest honors. My experience as both a life long Chippewa Valley resident and its current state representative, I feel that I am able to serve our area’s best interests in Madison. My top three priorities that I will emphasize if re-elected are strengthening Wisconsin’s economy, continuing to lead on broadband and workforce housing issues, and advocating for our area’s needs with a strong voice in Madison.
Jason Bennet: No response
2.) What role should state government take in supporting a vibrant business economy in Wisconsin? What specific actions or policies would you propose to accomplish it?
Rob Summerfield: The state government needs to provide the tools that allow our economy to prosper and succeed. The government should focus on increasing opportunities for growth in our economy instead of creating challenges for businesses. Reducing overburdensome regulations, adjusting our state’s tax climate, and prioritizing rural areas in the economic development of the state will allow the Chippewa Valley and the state of Wisconsin as a whole to be a more business-friendly state. Personally, I have and will continue to prioritize broadband expansion, providing tax relief to families and businesses, and streamlining government in order to boost our state’s economy.
Jason Bennet: No response
3.) Businesses today face several significant workforce challenges, with more jobs open than individuals available to fill them. Among these issues are demographics related to the size of the workforce; state support to recruit and retain employees to the area; housing supply and affordability; and a crisis in childcare availability for working parents. What is the legislature’s role in addressing these issues?
Rob Summerfield: One of our area’s major challenges is the lack of workforce housing availability. This session, I had a chance to work on this issue extensively as the Chairman of the Assembly Committee on Housing and Real Estate. The committee passed numerous bills to address the affordable housing shortage. Included in the legislation we worked on was a sales tax exemption of construction materials, legislation to help make available low interest loans for rehabilitation of older homes, and legislation to help developers find communities that want to work with them. In addition, I authored a bill to provide a workforce housing tax credit which would be another tool in addressing this issue. Another issue that the legislature could look into is childcare. One proposal that I have been looking into is giving employers incentives to help their employees with their daycare costs or even have an employer-sponsored daycare on site. Workforce development will continue to be a priority for the legislature this next session.
Jason Bennet: No response
4.) The 2019-21 State Budget included funding for the first phase of the new Science and Health Sciences Building at UW-Eau Claire to replace aging and obsolete Phillips Hall. The University is now awaiting the second phase funding so that it can begin construction. What level of priority will you put on ensuring that funding is included in the state’s 2023-25 budget, and what steps will you take to make that happen?
Rob Summerfield: I was proud to support and vote for the first phase of the science building in the 2019-21 budget. For the 2023-25 budget, I will continue to work with my fellow legislators on getting the second phase included in the budget. With other universities in our state receiving funding for their science buildings, UW-Eau Claire’s science building needs to be part of that conversation and a priority moving forward.
Jason Bennet: No response
5.) Why should a business person in the Chippewa Valley vote for you to represent them in the state legislature?
Rob Summerfield: As a small business owner and lifelong resident of this area, I know the challenges our area businesses face every day. I have been a strong advocate for Chippewa Valley businesses since I was elected, and I intend to continue that fight. The coming years could be very challenging for the state, but I believe that I can represent our community families and businesses in Madison to make our voices heard.
Jason Bennet: No response
More Information
Election 2022: Guide to the Fall General Election (Eau Claire Chamber of Commerce) Posted by Emily Johnston, Governmental Affairs Intern