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Assembly District 93


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Candidates for Assembly District 93:
Christian Phelps (Democrat)
Social Media
James Rolbiecki (Republican)
Social Media

Chamber candidate video sit-downs 
The Chamber's Vice President Governmental Affairs, Scott Rogers, sat down with each candidate to learn more about their backgrounds, why they're running, and key issues they'd emphasize if elected.

Good Government Council Questionnaire
The Good Government Council (GGC) is a committee of the Eau Claire Area Chamber of Commerce dedicated to encouraging voter participation and providing members of the business community with non-biased information about candidates’ positions on important issues. Although the Chamber is active in policy issues, it is non-partisan and does not endorse political candidates.

Candidate Responses:

1. Why are you running for this office, and what are the top three priorities you will emphasize if elected to the next session of the legislature?

Christian Phelps
"Throughout my life, from Act 10 in 2011 to my work as a special education paraprofessional and journalist to Communications Director at Wisconsin Public Education Network, I have watched over and over as the state legislature in Madison has consistently been out of step with our community's priorities. Following an issue to its root has far too often led me directly to the gerrymandered legislature. When I saw that we have an opportunity to change that this year, I realized we need to take it by electing a candidate who understands state budgeting and policy and who has a background in communications and community organizing. My top priorities are:
1. Fund strong public schools by filling the special education funding gap and catching up to inflation.
2. Stabilize healthcare and reproductive freedom by releasing emergency funds, expanding BadgerCare, and repealing the 1849 abortion ban.
3. Protect the environment and fully fund the DNR."

James Rolbiecki
"I’m running for state assembly because I want to bridge the political divide and work together for our state as republicans, democrats, and independents. Too often our politics are driven by division rather than unity and people feel left behind. I want to give everyone a reason to be proud of our state and feel like they belong. My top priority is to bring ideas where people feel heard and respected, regardless of their political party. In the assembly, I will champion affordable housing, the economy, and education in a bipartisan manner."

2. Businesses today face several significant workforce challenges, with more jobs open than individuals available to fill them. Among these issues are demographics related to the size of the workforce; state support to recruit and retain employees to the area; housing supply and affordability; and a crisis in childcare availability for working parents. What legislature’s role in addressing these issues?

Christian Phelps
"The legislature can play a much more responsible role in these issues, and I am committed to working with the Chamber to understand the needs every step of the way. As a millennial, I am acutely aware of the spike in housing costs with which wages and salaries simply aren't keeping up; this issue alone is keeping many talented young adults from being able to establish strong roots in the Chippewa Valley or from taking the kinds of financial risks that can invigorate the business economy. As a legislator, I will support reinstating statewide rent control laws so rents can't be raised multiple times in a single year; expanding grants to first-time homebuyers; increasing revenue sharing with municipalities so they can attract and support the local population; and Child Care Counts and fully-funded wraparound childcare services so our excellent childcare providers can work with school districts and the state to support more families while keeping childcare costs down."

James Rolbiecki
"In the state assembly, I will work in a bipartisan manner to support our businesses and help them thrive. A thriving business means a thriving community. In the assembly, I will support workforce apprenticeship programs, lowering taxes, child care tax credits, and work to inspire and motivate the next generation of business leaders, our children."

3. With the sudden closures of hospitals and clinics in the region, and ongoing concerns about the future of rural healthcare, what is the role of state government in assuring access and affordability of healthcare for our area? What will you do to assure sufficient funding in the 2025-27 state budget to address these concerns?

Christian Phelps
"In many ways, the shocking hospital closures are the result of policy failure. They have exacerbated the existing rural healthcare desert. I believe Wisconsin should reinstate some of the regulations and oversight over hospital chains that were removed under the Walker administration -- namely the rate review board -- to have more protections against monopolies, and oversight of hospital chains and insurance companies, to ensure that high profits are not consolidated while specific clinics are left with an abundance of high costs or low reimbursements. More broadly, we must move toward healthcare as a human right by joining 40 other states in accepting federal Medicaid expansion, increasing reimbursement rates, creating a public option, and ultimately becoming a leader in the nation for guaranteeing healthcare as a human right for all Wisconsinites."

James Rolbiecki
"In the assembly, I will support investments in our rural communities, not only in healthcare but also in our roads to get to the hospitals and expanding broadband to ensure the most up-to-date health systems. Furthermore, I will focus on expanding access to affordable care, lowering prescription drug costs, and investing in local mental health services."

4. There is a concerning increase in polarization and lack of civility in politics today. What will you do to improve the tone of public discourse, and are you willing to pledge to work on a bipartisan basis in our regional delegation to advance Chippewa Valley priorities? 

Christian Phelps
"One fact obscured by 14 years of gerrymandering is the number of issues that have massive public, bipartisan support in Wisconsin. I know that Wisconsinites are ready to unite around the many values we do share regardless of our political upbringing or identity: I have seen communities come together to support their public schools, students, and educators over my career, as I've helped communities from Eau Claire to Boyceville to Milwaukee to Tomahawk in passing school referendums and more. I pledge to model a civil and productive democracy at the state level: I will govern in direct partnership with the entire community and have a long record of publicly reminding political figures that "the children can hear us" (see my April 2022 column in the Leader-Telegram). I will hold myself and my colleagues of both parties to a high standard of discourse, honesty, and collaboration that is becoming of the next generation."

James Rolbiecki
"A top reason why I’m running for assembly is to bridge the political divide. At the end of the day, we’re all one community and I pledge to work in a bipartisan manner. I’m not beholden to the republican, or democratic party but to the voters, and I will work across the aisle to bridge the political divide. Our state assembly should be a place where every voice is heard with respect and decorum regardless of party."

5. Why should a business person in the Chippewa Valley vote for you to represent them in the state legislature? What role should state government take in supporting a vibrant business economy in Wisconsin? 

Christian Phelps
"After 14 years of feeling stuck at the state level, we have an opportunity to elect a new generation of leaders with a deep understanding of state policy and budgeting this year. I am ready on day one to get the state legislature out of the way of our thriving local community and local economy, where Madison has been an obstacle for too long. I'm ready to responsibly use the existing state surplus to fully fund our public schools and make local referendums unnecessary; share more revenue with municipalities so they can address affordable housing shortages, invest in their local economy and attract more employees; and address the roots of poverty that stifle entrepreneurship. As a millennial, I'll bring a unique perspective to the legislature in fully understanding the economic challenges facing young people. We can afford to do better, and we can't afford to wait any longer for new leadership that invests in our local community and allows the Chippewa Valley to thrive."

James Rolbiecki
"I’m a proud husband, father, and small business owner. My life has always been centered around our community and as a business owner and town board member, I have the life, business, and temperamental experience needed for the assembly. I know what it’s like to run a small business, the sacrifices every business owner makes to put their customers, their employees, and their community first and I will bring that same energy to our assembly. Our government should be reducing business taxation and investing in apprenticeship programs to grow our vibrant business community and retain the best and the brightest in our state."

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Posted by Johnny Meagher Governmental Affairs Intern

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