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Assembly District 68


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Candidates for Assembly District 68:
Richard Pulcher (Democrat)
Social Media
Rep. Rob Summerfield (Republican- Incumbent)
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Chamber candidate video sit-downs 
The Chamber's Vice President Governmental Affairs, Scott Rogers, sat down with each candidate to learn more about their backgrounds, why they're running, and key issues they'd emphasize if elected.

Good Government Council Questionnaire
The Good Government Council (GGC) is a committee of the Eau Claire Area Chamber of Commerce dedicated to encouraging voter participation and providing members of the business community with non-biased information about candidates’ positions on important issues. Although the Chamber is active in policy issues, it is non-partisan and does not endorse political candidates.

Candidate Responses:

1. Why are you running for this office, and what are the top three priorities you will emphasize if elected to the next session of the legislature?

Richard Pulcher
"I am running because I am of the opinion that Wisconsin Republicans represent the corporations both foreign and domestic that fund their campaigns. I will represent the local businesses, farmers, communities of Assembly District 68.
1. The Walker Administration authored an estimated 103 bills to curtail the power of local governments. I would investigate and try to repeal as many as seem harmful to local communities
2. Act 10 encouraged, skilled union workers to leave the state. I would work to repeal Act 10 so Trump's plan to bring back good paying union jobs and rebuild the rust belt. If Kamala Harris is elected I would work with her too.
3. Wisconsin taxpayers are spending taxpayer money on voucher schools that really aren't required to teach anything. I would try to strengthen public education and try to end the voucher system."

Rob Summerfield
"I am running for State Assembly to continue to be a strong voice and advocate for my district. I also want to help build a brighter future, not only for my children, but for all Wisconsinites. The top three priorities are economy, taxes, and helping our rural communities."

2. Businesses today face several significant workforce challenges, with more jobs open than individuals available to fill them. Among these issues are demographics related to the size of the workforce; state support to recruit and retain employees to the area; housing supply and affordability; and a crisis in childcare availability for working parents. What legislature’s role in addressing these issues?

Richard Pulcher
"Repealing Act 10 would give skilled workers to return to Wisconsin. As a Union Steward I promoted childcare at the workplace. This would increase worker attendance by making getting to work easier."

Rob Summerfield
"This past session I was proud to vote for numerous bills to help address the housing supply shortage and childcare availability. I authored Act 18 that established a commercial-to-housing revolving loan fund. I will continue to work on these issues and gather ideas from within the industry and the community on what the State’s role should be."

3. With the sudden closures of hospitals and clinics in the region, and ongoing concerns about the future of rural healthcare, what is the role of state government in assuring access and affordability of healthcare for our area? What will you do to assure sufficient funding in the 2025-27 state budget to address these concerns?

Richard Pulcher
"The terrible word regulation comes to mind. We cannot allow rampant competition to make some providers close their doors that provide costly individual care while competitors who only provide profitable care stay open. The quality of care suffers."

Rob Summerfield
"The closing of the two hospitals in the Chippewa Valley was a tremendous loss for our area. To help address these closures I authored two Assembly bills that provided up to 15 million dollars for emergency department services for Chippewa and Eau Claire counties. I have also been working with members of the community and the healthcare industry to work on long term solutions to deal with the challenges facing rural healthcare."

4. There is a concerning increase in polarization and lack of civility in politics today. What will you do to improve the tone of public discourse, and are you willing to pledge to work on a bipartisan basis in our regional delegation to advance Chippewa Valley priorities? 

Richard Pulcher
"I heard that some places somewhere (little transparency here) had laws that if a candidate mentions his competitor in an ad, he would have to pay for equal print or airtime to let his competitor defend himself. Paying for a competitor to defend himself would probably lessen the negative campaigning. That is one thing that would make it easier on the electorate."

Rob Summerfield
"I will continue to listen to the citizens of my district on the ideas and thoughts that they have for legislation. To me it doesn’t matter if it is a Republican or a Democrat idea; but if it is good for the people of my district, I will work to the best of my ability to get it accomplished."

5. Why should a business person in the Chippewa Valley vote for you to represent them in the state legislature? What role should state government take in supporting a vibrant business economy in Wisconsin?

Richard Pulcher
"I would support local businesses and protect them from unfair competition from foreign corporations. I would also vote to protect healthy businesses from hostile takeovers."

Rob Summerfield
"Between my business background and my record for representing my district in Madison, I am the right candidate for the 68th Assembly District. If elected I will continue this strong leadership for the people of the district. I believe the state government’s role should be a strong partnership with the business community in order for our area and the State of Wisconsin to have a vibrant and thriving economy."

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Posted by Gigi Galdamez Governmental Affairs Intern

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