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Assembly District 67











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Candidates for Assembly District 67:
Jeffrey Foster (Democrat)
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Rep. David Armstrong (Republican- Incumbent)
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Chamber candidate video sit-downs 
The Chamber's Vice President Governmental Affairs, Scott Rogers, sat down with each candidate to learn more about their backgrounds, why they're running, and key issues they'd emphasize if elected.

Good Government Council Questionnaire
The Good Government Council (GGC) is a committee of the Eau Claire Area Chamber of Commerce dedicated to encouraging voter participation and providing members of the business community with non-biased information about candidates’ positions on important issues. Although the Chamber is active in policy issues, it is non-partisan and does not endorse political candidates.

Candidate Responses:

1. Why are you running for this office, and what are the top three priorities you will emphasize if elected to the next session of the legislature?

Jeffrey Foster
"I am running for the Wisconsin Assembly to address our shared values of freedom, family, and community that have not been dealt with by the current legislature. The top priorities of my campaign are reproductive and gender-affirming freedom, affordable high-quality child care, and access to health care, including mental health care."

David Armstrong
"To continue my work of the past two sessions to get additional housing and childcare in Wisconsin. I also have made lowering property and personal income taxes one of my main priorities. The workforce crisis is an ongoing issue that needs continuous focus. To increase the workforce we need additional housing and childcare availability as well as making Wisconsin a place where families can thrive."

2. Businesses today face several significant workforce challenges, with more jobs open than individuals available to fill them. Among these issues are demographics related to the size of the workforce; state support to recruit and retain employees to the area; housing supply and affordability; and a crisis in childcare availability for working parents. What legislature’s role in addressing these issues?

Jeffrey Foster
"The Wisconsin legislature can address workforce challenges from a number of approaches. One of those is to increase funding for the Universities of Wisconsin system which would encourage higher enrollments while keeping tuition competitive with other Top Ten universities. Rural demographics have been suffering for generations as small farms continue to disappear and youth move away. The legislature could incent two-year and four-year higher education graduates to seek employment, housing, and child care in their home community. With the continued improvement of the State's infrastructure, including, roads, broadband, EV charging, and cultural amenities, Wisconsin should market our beautiful state to the rest of the country."

David Armstrong
"The legislature has the primary responsibility to make Wisconsin a place that attracts and retains residents. We do this by increasing housing and childcare options and making us a place where families can thrive."

3. With the sudden closures of hospitals and clinics in the region, and ongoing concerns about the future of rural healthcare, what is the role of state government in assuring access and affordability of healthcare for our area? What will you do to assure sufficient funding in the 2025-27 state budget to address these concerns?

Jeffrey Foster
"Wisconsin must accept Medicaid expansion. The legislature should also examine all of the factors that precipitated the hospital and clinic closures to assure access to high-quality health care throughout the state in the future."

David Armstrong
"We must work with traditional healthcare entities to assist them in remaining competitive. Increasing Medicaid reimbursement to hospitals that are losing money treating folks on Medicaid and by exploring possible public/private partnerships to deliver healthcare at more affordable prices."

4. There is a concerning increase in polarization and lack of civility in politics today. What will you do to improve the tone of public discourse, and are you willing to pledge to work on a bipartisan basis in our regional delegation to advance Chippewa Valley priorities? 

Jeffrey Foster
"I was raised and educated to treat all people with respect. I enjoy a healthy exchange of ideas and I am willing to change my mind when introduced to a convincing argument, without changing my principles."

David Armstrong
"I have demonstrated that I am more than willing to discuss issues with anyone regardless of political affiliation to create solutions that work for everyone."

5. Why should a business person in the Chippewa Valley vote for you to represent them in the state legislature? What role should state government take in supporting a vibrant business economy in Wisconsin? 

Jeffrey Foster
"We all benefit from a vibrant economy and a caring community. The state government has a role to play in encouraging both of these through constructive regulation and equal opportunity. As your representative in the Wisconsin Assembly, I will promote legislation that grows healthy communities composed of families and businesses that realize that we are all in this together."

David Armstrong
"I have proven over the last two sessions that I work hard to create solutions to help better the business economy in Wisconsin. I look forward to representing the 67th district next session in Madison."

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Posted by Johnny Meagher Governmental Affairs Intern

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