Congratulations to Chamber investor, Downtown Candy on the ribbon cutting to celebrate their business in downtown Eau Claire. Downtown Candy offers a variety of candy, truffles, ice cream and wine! They are located at 331 Riverfront Terrace, right across from Phoenix Park. Show them some love and shop local this holiday season!
North Star Middle School Employer Tours: The Eau Claire Chamber of Commerce organized employer tours for Northstar Middle School. This event was a great opportunity for middle school students to start thinking about career opportunities and what they want to pursue in their life. We’d like to thank the companies that were a part of…
Workforce Solutions Summit 2022 Recap: The Eau Claire Area Chamber of Commerce had a great turnout of employers across the region and excellent information was shared. The keynote speakers and breakout sessions gave employers a chance to share ideas to solve workforce problems and implement changes in the workplace. Ron Wirtz was the first keynote…
Eau Claire School Board Spring Election Information The Eau Claire Area School District will be electing two board members in the Spring 2023 election. The school board is made up of seven members who serve nonpartisan three-year terms. The Eau Claire Area School Board’s Vice President Lori Bica and Treasurer Phil Lyons both have terms…
Nov Eggs & Issues: Post Election Analysis with Charles Franklin November 27, 2022 The November edition of Eggs & Issues featured a discussion on the results of the fall election and an analysis of what the polls got right and what they didn’t. It occurred on November 17, at 7 am at the Pablo…