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November Connector: What is the Workforce Solutions Summit

By | November 1, 2022

What is the Workforce Solutions Summit? The workforce Solutions Summit is an annual event hosted by the Eau Claire Area Chamber of Commerce. It’s designed to bring together employers around the Chippewa Valley to discuss solutions to both immediate and long-term workforce problems. This year, the summit will be focusing on Adapting to the New…

Oct Eggs & Issues: Tourism Increases Economic Impact

By | October 27, 2022

October 27, 2022 The October Eggs & Issues event focused on the impact tourism has on the Eau Claire area economy. Benny Anderson, the Executive Director of Visit Eau Claire, shared the changes Visit Eau Claire has made during the pandemic regarding digital marketing, and how those changes are currently making a big difference. Pre-pandemic,…

October Connector: Workforce Topics at the Summit

By | October 26, 2022

Workforce Summit Topics: On November 16th, The Eau Claire Chamber of Commerce is hosting the Workforce Solutions Summit to discuss important topics related to the workforce community in the Eau Claire area. This year’s topics of discussion can really help employers in the area learn how they can keep the workplace environment healthy so they…

Nov 8 General Election: Early Voting Information

By | October 20, 2022

As we move into fall, there are many ways for voters to participate in the general election this November including voting in person, early voting, and absentee voting. In-Person early voting begins Tuesday, October 25th and ends on Friday, November 4th for each city and town. You can also request your absentee ballot today and return…

Election 2022: Guide to the Fall General Election

By | October 20, 2022

The August 9th primary has passed which now leaves voters and candidates gearing up for the midterm election on November 8th. For Chippewa Valley Residents, there are several county wide races including Eau Claire County Sheriff and County Clerk of Circuit Court are on the ballot. Assembly Districts 67, 68, 69, 75, 91, 92, 93…


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