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October Connector: Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

By | October 5, 2022

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law A problem many workforce employees face is not being able to access resources needed within their community. Often, the reason for this problem is because the workforce members live in a rural community where there isn’t many resources available. Due to the higher cost of living in an urban community, many…

Ribbon Cutting: SLATE Boutique and Gifts

By | October 3, 2022

Congratulations to our newest Chamber investor, SLATE Boutique and Gifts! A ribbon cutting was held to celebrate their grand opening and new location at 3834 Talmadge Road in Eau Claire.

Ribbon Cutting: L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library

By | September 29, 2022

Congratulations to L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library Central Library on the completion of the renovations at their location at 400 Eau Claire Street in downtown Eau Claire. Be sure to stop by and check out the variety of amenities and new spaces that the library has to offer.

Sep Eggs & Issues: Fall Election Preview with Bill McCoshen

By | September 26, 2022

The September edition of Eggs & Issues featured a discussion on the fall election and an analysis of the polling. It took place on September 22, at 7 am at the Pablo Center. The speaker was Bill McCoshen, a partner with Michael Best Strategies, he previously held key appointments in governor Thompson’s office. This is…

September Blog: Workforce Connector

By | September 23, 2022

Competing Against Bigger Companies: When smaller businesses are in the process of growing within their industry, they face lots of challenges. One of challenges is attracting talent when they go up against bigger, more established companies within their industry. Bigger companies have an easier time attracting talent since they are more established and give off…


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