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Good Government Council: Wisconsin State Senate District 23 Questionnaire

By | July 12, 2022

When: Tuesday, August 9th, 2022; polls open 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Find your voting location at myvote.wi. All absentee ballots must be requested by August 4th and turned in no later than 8:00 p.m. on August 9th either by mail or dropped off in-person. In-Person absentee voting will start Tuesday, July 26th and end Friday,…

July Blog: Workforce Connector

By | July 11, 2022

Goal setting in the workplace Goal setting is one of the most important parts of workforce progress. Goal setting occurs when an individual employee and or an entire workforce devotes time and energy to achieve something. Workplace goal examples are increasing DEI in a certain department, coming up with a new marketing campaign, creating a…

July Blog: Workforce Connector

By | July 11, 2022

Why Company Culture is Important A company’s culture is what defines the company norms and how workplace dynamics are operated. Each company has a different culture that is dictated by the top management and influenced by the industry the company is a part of. For example, Mayo Clinic is part of the healthcare industry, does…

Ribbon Cutting: Plaza Aztecca

By | July 11, 2022

Congratulations to our newest Chamber investor, Plaza Aztecca, as we celebrated their new location in the food court in Oakwood Mall with a ribbon cutting!

July Blog: The Perspective

By | July 6, 2022

Judgement Errors Making quick judgements in the work place is a common error amongst coworkers. When an employee is seen doing an action or looks a certain way that portrays him or her in a negative way, a coworker is quick to make a judgement that isn’t correct. Because of the incorrect judgement, a coworker…


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